Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How to cut a glass bottle

How to cut a glass bottle:

glass bottles; nail polish remover (acetone); some string; cold water
glass bottlesacetone roll of string

Glass is sensible to heat and cold, so it can be easily cut using simple resources.
Wrap some string around the bottle in the area to be cut, remove the string and soak it in acetone, then, put the string back in the area to be cut off, over a sink filled with cold water, set the string on fire, gently turning the bottle around, wait till the flame's out and dunk the bottle in the cold water, that's it!

How to refill a Bic Lighter

How to refill a Bic Lighter

a pin; a Bic lighter: a can of butane
pinBic ligtherButane Benzomatic

Now if there is still some gas inside the lighter, gently press with the pin in the small orifice at the bottom of the lighter, you'll hear something "pop" inside the lighter. Now that the orifice is open (you'll be able to hear the little plastic cap, inside the ligther) just refill with your favorite butane brand, this will take just a couple of seconds, have the pin in hand, and quickly cap the bottom of the lighter with the pin! Thats it!

Bic lighter refill